czerwca 14, 2008

Lednica 2008

Oj,wspaniały dzień wspaniali ludzie.Cudowna atmosfera w cudonym miejscu.I wszyscy ludzie zgromadzeni w imie Pana Jezusa.Cos cudownego i wartego do przezycia.Juz wiem że bede za rok ,nie wiem jeszcze z kim,ale bede.:)))))))))))))))))))))

To nic że zarwałam kolejne noce,wazne ze byłam wiele przezyłam z ludzmi ktorzy rozumieja co przezywam.To cos cudownego,wiedzac że ma sie obok siebie osoby ktore wiedza jak wazne jest dla mnie bycie blisko Boga i ktore tez odczuwaja taka potrzebe...

Zamieszcze piosenki ktore usłyszałam tego dnia spedzonego w Gnieźnie i na Lednicy :)

Trzecia Godzina Dnia - Wiara czyni cuda

Siewcy Lednicy - Tak,tak Panie

Siewcy Lednicy - Przemień nas Panie

Siewcy Lednicy - Podnieś mnie Jezu

czerwca 01, 2008

About all the things that I could never see

Sprung Monkey -Whatcha gonna do

Lately I've been wonderin' who I am
Because it's coming clear that there's
A world of things
That I don't quite understand
I've always tried to look straight in the eyes
I try to see the man I try to see the plan
I try to know what's on his mind

But I never thought that I'd have to stare at you
No I never thought someone so close
Could be so far from view
Well I guess it's time for me to realize
That trust is just a word
Not something I ever knew
But whatcha gonna do

Cause my dreams leave me cold and empty now
You know I tried so hard to laugh
But I just don't know how
Cause wrapped around the thought of everything
Are the hands of a theif
Who took that trust from me
But whatcha gonna do

Whatcha gonna do
About the things that happen suddenly
About all the things that I could never see
All the times that I've sat and bought the lie
All the times I've laughed and wondered why
I realized I was owned by my defenses
Never took the time never saw my chances
Always thought the people coming round
Was just another person trying to bring me down

But yeah whatcha gonna do

tu znajdziesz ta piosenke :)